Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question about Beef Checkoff programs? Check out some common questions below! Don't see your question? Please send your question(s) to info@txbeef.org.
The Texas Beef Checkoff program is separate from the National Beef Checkoff; however, they operate in tandem with one another to conduct promotion, marketing, research and education programs for beef and beef products. Although they are both mandatory assessments, the Texas Beef Checkoff portion is refundable.
By law, all producers selling cattle or calves, for any reason and regardless of age or sex, are required to pay a combined $2 per head state and national checkoff to support beef promotion, research and education. Each collection point is responsible for collecting and remitting the assessment. A collection point is any entity, including an individual, which makes payment to a producer for cattle purchased or facilitates transfer of ownership. The assessment will be remitted to the Texas Beef Council, a contractor of the Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas, using the state/national checkoff remittance form.
Additionally, the Beef Checkoff is collected at the same rate on every live beef animal imported and at the equivalent rate of $2 per head state and national checkoff on all beef products that are imported.
Payment for both the state and national Beef Checkoff programs can be made with one check, which is due by the 15th of the month following the month in which the assessment is collected. A two percent late fee is assessed if postmarked after the 15th.
Yes, producers are required to pay both Beef Checkoff programs; however, the Texas Beef Checkoff is refundable.
A producer who has paid an assessment to the Texas Beef Checkoff may obtain a refund of the amount paid by filing an application for refund with the Beef Promotion and Research Council of Texas (BPRCT) within 60 days after the date of payment. The application must be in writing, on a form prescribed by BPRCT for that purpose and accompanied by proof of payment of the assessment. The National Beef Checkoff is not refundable.
Yes. All cattle sold in Texas, including out-of-state cattle sold in Texas, are subject to the National and Texas Beef Checkoff programs.
If an individual qualifies for a non-producer exemption under the national program in accordance with the National Beef Promotion and Research Act, that individual would qualify for a non-producer exemption in the state program, under the following conditions:
- The individual's share in the proceeds of a sale of cattle or beef solely consists of a sales commission, handling fee or other service fee
- The individual acquired ownership of cattle to facilitate the transfer of ownership of such cattle from the seller to a third party
- The individual resold such cattle no later than 10 days from the date on which the individual acquired ownership
- The individual certified, as required by procedures prescribed by the Council, that the requirements of this provision have been satisfied
- The individual must meet the USDA certification requirements under the National Organic Program and have a current USDA certificate
Remember, a dollar or a document. All selling/purchase transactions must be reported. In each case, either $2 per head or a non-producer status form document must be collected by the buyer, from the seller, to show the dollar has been collected and paid within the past 10 days.
No other producer is exempt from the Beef Checkoff. Buyers who resell cattle no more than 10 days from the date of purchase may file a non-producer status form and avoid paying an additional dollar. They are, however, responsible for remitting collected funds and reporting any transactions to the Texas Beef Council.
Private Treaty Sales involve one producer selling cattle to another producer where there is no designated collecting person involved in the transaction.
Yes. The Beef Promotion and Research Order and the Texas Beef Checkoff law under which the Beef Checkoff programs operate require that the $2 be remitted on ALL sales of cattle regardless of age, sex, breed or purpose.
When you sell, you, as the last American owner, must pay the Beef Checkoff dollar. If you purchase cattle from Mexico, $2 is collected at the time of purchase if the change of ownership occurs after the cattle have arrived in Texas. If the purchase transaction is conducted prior to the cattle arriving in the United States, no Beef Checkoff is due. An import $1 is collected by U.S. Customs at the crossing of the cattle, and cannot be used to claim an exemption from paying the $1 on change of ownership.
Yes. If you market cattle in the form of beef or beef products to consumers either directly, through retail or wholesale outlets or for export purposes, you are required to remit an assessment of $2 per head of cattle. Cattle and calves slaughtered for personal consumption by the producer and his or her family are not assessed.
While the dairy industry’s primary business is producing milk, dairy farmers also sell calves and produce beef from the cows sent to market. In fact, about 21 percent of the beef produced in the U.S. comes from dairy stock.
When the Beef Checkoff was first established in the Beef Promotion and Research Act as part of the 1985 Farm Bill, producers wanted to ensure that all those who would benefit from the increased demand as a result of the Beef Checkoff would share in the cost of funding the program. Therefore, with the dairy industry providing a good portion of the beef produced in the U.S., these producers are also a part of the Beef Checkoff program.
Where can I get more information about the Texas Beef Checkoff?
For more information about the Beef Checkoff, please call 1-800-846-4113 or email us.